Go Hiking, Find Parks in the Sylmar Area

Go Hiking, Find Parks in the Sylmar Area

Who doesn’t enjoy a good hike every once awhile? What could be better than going to the park on a nice sunny afternoon? You’re able to do these things since you’re living in Sylmar, California. You have lovely parks in the area, as well as places to go hiking.

Stetson Ranch Park

If you’re looking for a fun place to go hiking, you should try Stetson Ranch Park. You can even bring the dog(s) along if you want. It’s also made especially for those who love to ride horses. If you’re into that sort of thing.

O’Melveny Park

There’s O’Melveny Park over in Granada Hills. This is the second largest park in the Los Angeles area. Great for those who love to ride their bikes and hike.

Wilson Canyon Park

If you’re ever in the mood for hiking, biking or even a good old picnic, you should try Wilson Canyon Park. This place has some pretty nice walking trails.